Back in 2003 after discovering three suspicious looking bumps on his arm that later turned out to be skin cancer (basal cell carcinoma), Rick Simpson decided to use cannabis oil in an attempt to cure himself.
Simpson created his own cannabis oil in his home in Canada. He then administered it by applying it topically to his cancerous bumps and covered with a bandage.
After a few days his bumps had completely disappeared…
Simpson claimed that cannabis oil is the miracle that cured his cancer.
RSO is now used across the world to treat and cure many diseases and illnesses. You can find the official recipe for RSO via Simpsons official site;
What is RSO?
Rick Simpson Oil or RSO for short, is a full THC extract cannabis oil, named after its creator Rick Simpson.
It’s consistency is sticky and tar like and it’s often black or dark brown but can sometimes be amber coloured depending on the % of THC concentration.
It’s usually packaged in syringes for easy storage and use.
Source: weedmaps
RSO is special because it contains only THC cannabinoids (the psychoactive cannabinoid).
This is a much higher quantity of THC than the average person is used too, which is why RSO oil is intended for patients who require high dosages of THC (or for those with a high tolerance).
The oil is most effective when made using indica plants that are high in THC concentration. Indica strains are used as they’re commonly known for their calming and therapeutic effects.
Once the THC is extracted it’s mixed with an oil which is most commonly hemp, palm or olive oil.
It can then be administrated either orally or topically depending on the circumstances.
How do you make RSO Oil?
Photo by Kindel Media on
The process to make RSO oil is a fairly simple one. Most importantly a solvent is required too be able to extract the THC cannabinoids from the flower.
Decarbed cannabis is soaked and crushed in a solvent such as grain alcohol, isopropyl alcohol or butane. This allows the cannabinoids to be extracted from the flower into the liquid.
The mixture is left for a few days to soak and is then strained through a cheesecloth. The liquid strain through the cheesecloth is then left for around 3 weeks until the solvent has completely evaporated.
Once the solvent has completely evaporated what is left behind is a thick gooey substance of THC cannabinoids.
Many people choose to use a razor blade to remove it from its container and into a syringe.
Does RSO cure cancer?
Unfortunately there is no scientific evidence to back Simpson’s claims that cannabis oil cures cancer.
However high levels of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) have been scientifically proven to have many positive medicinal benefits.
There is also a lack of research and knowledge in cannabis and it’s various medicinal potentials, so in the future we may discover that cannabis does actually play a part in curing diseases like cancer.
Important: Using cannabis oil to treat any illness should be done under caution. It’s best to get advice from your doctor first and research the subject thoroughly.
Have you tried making RSO Oil before?
Let me know how it went in the comments below 👇🏼
Interested in learning more about RSO? Check out ricks own website: